Cosc 2P03 Fall 2017

(Due date for assignment is Friday Dec. 1st 4:00 p.m., Late date Monday Dec. 4th, 4:00 p.m.)


To implement a Huffman compression decompression.

The Assignment

>Using the input data, create a table of observations of each character as it corresponds to the ASCII alphabet. The ASCII alphabet ranges from ordinal value 0 which is the null character, to character 127 the delete character. Once the table is processed, create a linked list of the observations in priority order from least to most observed. The PQ is ordered from least (head) to most. The Huffman algorithm can now be run. The 2 nodes at the head are removed, combined to form a new node with the sum of the observed frequencies forming the new key for insert into the PQ. This process is repeated until only 1 element exists in the PQ, this element forms the root of the Huffman tree. Below is the suggested node structure.

Node {

    char c;                 //character which the node represents
    int observations;      //Number of times the character was observed in the input text.
    Node next;              //Links each node to the next in the PQ
    Node left, right;          //the left and right down pointers used t create the tree.


Create a code table, which lists all characters in the input followed by the binary code for that character. For consistency, label the tree using a left 0 and right 1 for the branches.

Encode the input text, using the generated prefix codes from your code table. The encoded text will produce a stream of 0's and 1's. For simplicity we will use readable text. Do not create a binary file, this is overkill. The output should be written to a file.

Read the file back in, and decompress it using the Huffman tree, to reproduce the original data. Your input data and output from the decompressing should match.
Your input data will consist of all characters between the > and < above.

Submission Requirements:

Good Luck