APCO 2P11 Lab 2
Analyze your computer and determine the resources each device needs.
To become familiar with the disassembly of a computer. Learn how to
recognize the different cabling inside a computer and understand how
to put - reassemble a computer.
Introduction & Startup (10 min).
During lecture you have been introduced to the boot process.
Extensive focus was made on the Plug and Play system, the collection
of resource information and the configuration of the drivers. During
this lab you will be given an opportunity to see which devices the
system recognized and which resources each device was assigned.
Get your computer from the storage location. Set it up connecting
all external cables.
Exercise 1 (15 min)
Start your machine, navigate to Wikipedia. In your own words
describe your understanding of each of the following.
Interrupt Request (IRQ)
Direct Memory Access (DMA)
I/O Address (Port-mapped I/O)
Exercise 2 (30 min)
For this lab, start Windows 7, and log on. Navigate to:
- Open the control panel
- Double click System
- Device Manager
You should see a list the the installed component for your computer.
Right click on some of these components or the sub category. You
should see a properties selection. Selecting the properties will
present yet another window, on a few of these windows a Resource tab
will be present. This tab lists the resources that were assigned to
the device when the OS configured the devices from the PnP system.
For each component and sub-category which has a Resource tab,
complete the following table. For
those devices which have a large range, just list the start of the
Address Range
Which hardware components use IRQs?
Which hardware components use DMA?
In general terms, what is the significance of IRQ's and DMA for the
above components? Why would those specific components require an IRQ
or DMA?
From Lab 1, you have used UBD_CD with NSSI.
From the utility determine who manufactured the BIOS? What is the
revision number?
From the Ports section, what are the IO addresses of the ports?
Do these match the table above?
Exercise 3 (30 min) Complete Lab 1.4.
What is the form factor of your lab computer? ____________,
Case designation__________, Power Supply Wattage__________
Where did you find this information?__________________
Exercise 4 (60 min) Complete Lab 2.1
- While the machine is apart, identify the components and write
down model# and serial# information as requested in your
maintenance book, see lab 1.
- Once the instructor has examined your work and understanding,
you will be instructed to reassemble the machine.