Cosc 2P12
Introduction to Computer Architecture

D.Bockus (J324

Lecture time: Tuesday, Thursday 12:00 to 13:30 STH204

Course Description:

The basic concept of this course is to introduce the student the the fundamentals of how modern computers work and are designed at the hardware level. A portion of the course will focus on rudimentary logic compositions used in the design and implementation of modern computer systems. Students are introduced to the MIPS architecture which is a basic RISC processor, and provides the basis for a teaching platform. Using MIPS assembly language and through the use of a simulator students will learn the fundamentals.
    1. Hardware abstraction of a modern day computer.
    2. Number Systems, Data Representation.
    3. Arithmetic & Logical Operations, Introduction to Digital Logic.
    4. Boolean Algebra, and Boolean reduction techniques.
    5. Floating Point Arithmetic and representation
    6. Assembly Language and Instruction set architecture
    7. Introduction to MIPS R2000/3000
    8. Basic instruction formats and programming patterns
    9. Software interrupts and system calls.
    10. Procedures
    11. Recursion at the assembly level
    12. Input/Output Systems
    13. Other topics as time permits.

  Text Book.

    The customized interactive text from zybook will be used, see main page for text details.
Marking Scheme:   
Activities (4):
Assignments: (4): 
15% (See note 8)
30% (See note 3)
15% (In Class)
40% (See note 2)

Essential Course Requirements: Practical competence of the requisite material will be assessed using assignments. Theoretical rote knowledge and concepts regarding the fundamentals will be assessed on Midterm and Exam.

Important dates

The most recent listing of Important Dates for all durations is at

First day of classes: 4 September

Last day of lectures: 3 December

Last day of exams: 19 December

Deadline for withdrawal without academic penalty: 5 November

Note 1: Due date and time for assignment submission will be printed on the assignment text. Assignments will be accepted late up to 3 day after the original due date subject to a 25% penalty. Assignments after the late date will not be accepted.

Note 2: In order to pass this course a mark of at least 40% must be obtained on the final Exam.

Note 3: The department views plagiarism as a serious issue. Students are directed to the Department's Web server where they can view the department's policies on plagiarism. and at Brock University Academic Integrity Website Students who are convicted of plagiarism, may receive penalties ranging from -200% for the piece of work, 0 for all assignments/quizzes to a failure in the course. A piece of work which is compromised through academic misconduct will be subject to the above stated penalties in its entirety, regardless to the degree of compromise.

Note 4: All assignments will be the result of individual student effort. Pair programming is not allowed.

Note 5: Assignments will be submitted electronically, details will be printed on the assignments.

Note 6: Assignment material will be distributed through the Web. Please see my home page .

Note 7: A departmental medical form will need to be submitted as per instructions before any consideration will be given due to sickness.

Note 8: Zybooks, provides a set of exercises which will aid the students understanding of the material. Students can complete the exercises to earn a portion of their grade in this course. There will be 4 activities, which must be completed by the due dates to earn credit.

Note 9: Random students may be chosen to explain their assignment material to the instructor.