Good design is not an accident, it involves takings a serious
look at the problem, understanding it and coming up with
solutions. An individual may stumble upon the solution or a
solution, but often it is the team approach which produces the
near optimal solution.
John Cato's Chapter 7 describes methods and methodologies used
for team building and brainstorming. He makes some profound
statements which emphasis the need of a team approach to design.
Techniques are used to allow all to express their views within the
design process. In the end we hope that the whole is greater then
what individual's could accomplish by themselves. In addition, the
video demonstrated what a group effort can accomplish
You will be given a design problem in seminar. The facilitator
(your seminar leader) will ask you to use your previous
weeks experience to analyse and redesign the artifact. A modified
method of brainstorming will be used in order for successful
completion of the seminar in a timely manner.
Optional Readings
Participation in the exercise