Error prevention and error handling are of primary concern in
user interface design. Preventing an error is often better then
dealing with the fall out once an error has been made. It helps to understand what errors are, what
types of errors are made, and how to
prevent these errors from occurring.
Norman describes 6 types of slips which are common place in computing, capture errors, description errors, data-driven errors, associative activation errors, loss-of-activation errors and mode errors. These slips account for the majority of the errors one sees in the computing field. More importantly, these errors can be prevented or difficult to make by understanding why they are made and designing in accordance. Tools such as forcing functions have been successfully used to counter these slips.
Come prepared to seminar with examples of the various types of slips that occur in the computing and communications field. Be prepared to discuss how these can be prevented or designed for.
Marks will be awarded for presentation, preparation and participation in the discussion which exhibit emulsion into the subject matter. Students who do not come prepared can expect a low participation mark.