
Lab 5
Network Configuration

Windows Static IP.

Boot into Windows. Open a cmd window.
The microsoft version if ifconfig is ipconfig. Run this and write down your IP, gateway, and netmask, DNS. Are these the same as those in Linux?  Why?

Open the network configuration. What protocols are active?

Set windows to use a static IP with a static value of +25 over that which would be assigned by DHCP. Configure the other fields as well. Restart so that the settings take effect. Verify your network is working. You can check the setting by running ipconfig.

Once complete, restore the Windows system to use dynamic configuration.

Back into Linux

Open a Linux terminal. The router will configure the system for IP, Gateway,DNS, and Mask.
Determine your IP & netmask.

Determine your Gateway, route -nee

Determine your DNS,  this is kept in the file /etc/resolv.conf

Configuration setting are kept in the directory /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts. Each interface maybe configured with its own scripts. What is the name of your wired interface?

Find the script with the same name, if you don't have one, then em1 will likely be it. "cat" it, the DEVICE= field will define the interface.

Linux uses NetworkManager to allow network configuration to be "Managed". We need to turn this off.

    chkconfig NetworkManager off

We also bring down the network. Sudo as appropriate.

    service network stop

Copy the device configuration file to something.bak so you don't loose the settings.

Create a new file labelled ifcfg-<deviceName> and enter the following fields:

GATEWAY ="<gateway address>"
DNS1="<dns address>"

Once complete bring up the interface with ifcfg-<deviceName>, Sudo where appropriate.
Restart the network service. Try your network.

Once complete, reverse the procedure and set the system back to DHCP.