COSC 2P93 Introduction to Logic Programming

Course Information


These files may be incomplete. Complete notes are given during lectures.

  1. Introduction (rev 1/2/2013)
  2. Unification and control (rev 1/23/2013)
  3. Debugging, recursion (rev 1/24/2013)
  4. List processing (rev 1/29/2013)
  5. More lists, data structures (rev 1/24/2013)
  6. Even more examples: sorting, lotto, puzzle (rev 2/5/2013)
  7. Extralogical Prolog (rev 2/26/2013)
  8. Control and the cut (rev 2/5/2013)
  9. Style and efficiency (rev 3/4/2013)
  10. Meta-interpreters (rev 3/11/2013)
  11. Grammars (rev 3/18/2013)
  12. Constraint Logic Programming (rev 3/12/2013)
  13. Misc. logic programming topics (rev 3/20/2013)
  14. Expert systems (rev 3/25/2013)
  15. Intro to Lisp (rev 3/25/2013)

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