Where did those models and sounds come from?

Hydrogen Bond is the premade business man model from Poser 4. His midsection has been set to invisible and an H and O have been added. The H and O were made with poser props, as was the plane he jumps out of at the beginning.

All of the backdrops were created by me in Bryce 5 by using the preset library and editing the mountains.

The gun Hydrogen Bond uses was found at www.renderosity.com in the free section.

The jets were found using a peer to peer sharing program and searching for "poser vehicles". It was simply a zip file containing 57 different types of vehicles. There was no doucumentation with them, so I’m assuming the person who created them is comfortable with sharing. Probably the usual feel free to use for non-commercial use type of agreement. I would be happy to give credit to the creator because all of these models are great, and better than I could have made in the time given.

All of the sound effects were found at www.findsounds.com. It is a search engine specifically used to find sounds.

The background music is the James Bond Theme, remixed by Moby.
