Creative Reasoning

Since my animation was going to be set in a gallery / museum of sorts it needed to have works to fill it. I ended up with using five different pieces in the gallery and each one is there for a different reason.

I'll first talk about the two which are based on real pieces, that being the venus and voice of fire. The venus was orignally just going to be a place holder until I could model something else but I decided to leave it in as it is a famous piece of work that would be more recognizable than my second pre-existing piece.

I decided to include the Voice of Fire because it did cause quite a bit of controversy when the National Gallery decided to purchase it in 1989. It also gets brought up from time to time in coversations at my place of work. Its for these reasons I decided to put the Voice of Fire in the gallery.

Now while those were real pieces of art the next one I decided to do would just be inspired by a famouse piece. Originally I had wanted to do something humorous and came up with the idea of using Homer Simpson but in an ironic pose. That pose would be based on Rodin's Thinker. However I ran into trouble getting Homer to look as nice as I had wanted. Instead of scraping the Idea I tried to think of other characters I could model which would get the same kind of reaction. Then it hit me I'd use another Groeing creation. From that Bender would become the thinker and one of my favourite things about this particular animation. Incidentaly Bender seems to be a favourite of the people I showed the animation to while it was still being worked on.

In the animation the first pieces of work you see up close are the jets. Now I realize they look very toy like but there is a reasoning behind them. My grandfather, amongst other positions, flew F86 Sabre jets which I thought were interesting looking planes. Also as a child and to this day I have a fondness for aircraft. These two things led me to include these toy like jets in the animation. Now the blue background in this case was suppose to envoke connotations of the sky and planes in flight. However the Venus also uses this blue background but for reasons of contrast.

The last piece is never really focused on but is visible in many of the shots. This being the blue and orange painting in the back corner of the gallery. I did make it in photoshop while trying to come up with something cool looking. After a bit of playing around I came up with that piece and liked it enough to include it.


The piece that didn't make it.

There was oringally going to be a homage to both René Magritte and Professor Ross based on Magritte's "This is not a pipe" and Ross's Cosc 3P98 horse. The idea was simply to draw the cosc 3P98 horse and under it have a caption "Ceci n'est pas une chaval". However this was an idea which sounded better on than it did in practice. I did create the drawing and had it in the gallery but the image looked very out of place within the gallery. It is unfortunate that that was the case as I thought it was a clever idea to work in a now traditional piece of 3P98 animation lore.