Mood Swings

by Steven Biederman

This is a composition change, in many of its forms, from good to bad, and from bad to good.


Originally I was planning on sampling a guitar, but after playing around with some of the effects I decided that I could create same amazing sounds using just the tools in the system itself.  In the end I did end up sampling a bass guitar which is the file bass.wav.  I also sampled a cheap sounding bass drum called C_kick.wav.


I used a cool delay effect on the drum and raised the pitch a large amount.  I found a terrain synthesis function which is used at the beginning of the song.  This was used to represent stress.  After that I used a pluck function to give the impression of pleasantness.  A granular synthesis comes in after to give an eerier feeling.  It slowly transits back into pleasantness before ending in an eerier stress.  I used 2 to granular synthesizers.  One had a random max pitch. And the other had a random max pitch and grain density.


Here is a data flow diagram of instrument 4:




Sample1: bass.wav



Source Code





The song itself: mood.mp3


Some good exams here :The Alternative Csound Reference Manual


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