; Additional Audio Clips were D/L from the following sites and
; used in instruments that would modify the original wav
; http://www.moviesoundclips.net/
; http://www.tripletsandus.com/80s/tv_theme_wav.htm
; http://www.csounds.com/ezine/autumn1999/synthesis/
sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2
instr 1
idur = p3
asig soundin "FATALITY.WAV"
k1 linen 2, 2, idur, 1
a1 oscil k1, 110, 1
kline line 0, idur, p3
aleft,aright pan2 asig, kline
out aleft * a1, aright * a1
; YouCantHandle.WAV
instr 2
idur = p3
asig soundin "YouCantHandle.WAV"
out asig*.2, asig*.2
; Truth.WAV
instr 3
idur = p3
asig soundin "Truth.WAV"
out asig * .5, asig * .5
; loscil with parameters
instr 4
kamp = p4
kcps = p5
ifn = p6
ibas = 1
a1 loscil kamp, kcps, ifn, ibas
out a1, a1
; Made up Instrument not sure what to call it or give what
; it sounds like
instr 5
idur = p3
iamp = p4
kcps = p5
kcar = 600
kmod = 210
kndx = 2
ifn = p6
kamp linen iamp, .1, idur, .1 ; Linear in out
aamp1 expseg .01, .001, 1, idur-.001, .04 ; Tone envelope
asig foscil kamp, kcps, kcar, kmod, kndx, ifn ; Frequency modulation with noise
outs aamp1*asig, aamp1*asig ; Output the sound
; GunLoading.WAV
instr 6
idur = p3
asig soundin "riflecock-1.wav"
out asig, asig
; Loud Base
instr 10
a1 oscil 30000, 110, 2 ; SAMPLE PLAYBACK OF F 4 AT A440
arnd1 rand 85 ; Genrate noise
arnd rezzy arnd1, 900, 30, 1 ; High pass mode
out a1, a1
; FM Tom-Tom
; http://www.csounds.com/ezine/autumn1999/synthesis/
instr 12
idur = p3 ; Duration
iamp = p4 ; Amplitude
ifqc = cpspch(p5) ; Convert pitch to frequency
irez = p6 ; Resonance or Q
ifco = p7 ; Cut off frequency
ihit = p8 ; Noise duration
ihamp = p9 ; Noise amplitude
ipanl = sqrt(p10) ; Pan left
ipanr = sqrt(1-p10) ; Pan right
afqc1 linseg 1+iamp/30000, ihit*.5*idur, 1, .1, 1 ; Pitch bend
afqc = afqc1*afqc1 ; Pitch bend squared
adclck linseg 0, .002, 1, idur-.004, 1, .002, 0 ; Declick envelope
aamp1 expseg .01, .001, 1, idur-.001, .04 ; Tone envelope
aamp2 expseg .01, .001, 1, idur*ihit-.001, .01 ; Noise envelope
arnd1 rand ihamp ; Genrate noise
arnd rezzy arnd1, ifco, irez, 1 ; High pass mode
asig oscil 1, afqc*ifqc*(1+arnd*aamp2), 1 ; Frequency modulation with noise
aout = asig*iamp*aamp1*adclck ; Apply amp envelope and declick
outs aout*ipanl, aout*ipanr ; Output the sound
; Loud Base
instr 13
idur = p3 ; Duration
iamp = p4 ; Amplitued
ifeq = p5 ; Frequency
ifn = p6 ; Wave input
iattk = p7 ; Attack In
irels = p8 ; Release Out
ixmode = 1
kInOut linen iamp, iattk, idur, irels ; Linear in out
aamp1 expseg .01, .001, 1, idur-.001, .04 ; Tone envelope
asig oscil kInOut, ifeq, ifn ; Frequency modulation with noise
outs asig*aamp1, asig*aamp1 ; Output the sound
instr 14
idur = p3
iamp = p4
ifeq = p5
ibasfrq = 44100 / ftlen(1)
k1 linen iamp, .1, idur, .1 ; Linear in out
aamp1 expseg .01, .001, 1, idur-.001, .04 ; Tone envelope
asig oscil k1, ifeq, 1 ; Frequency modulation with noise
ares grain k1, ibasfrq, asig, 1000, 10, .5, 7, 7, .5
outs ares*aamp1, ares*aamp1 ; Output the sound
instr 15
idur = p3
iamp = p4
ifeq = p5
ifn = 1
ixmode = 1
k2 linen iamp, .1, idur, .1 ; Linear in out
kfreq table k2, ifn, ixmode
k1 linen iamp, .1, idur, .1 ; Linear in out
aamp1 expseg .01, .001, 1, idur-.001, .04 ; Tone envelope
asig oscil k1, ifeq, 1 ; Frequency modulation with noise
arnd rezzy asig, 110, 50, 1 ; High pass mode
ares lowpass2 arnd, 440, 50 ; Low pass filter
outs arnd*ares*aamp1+.1*kfreq, arnd*ares*aamp1+.1*kfreq ; Output the sound
instr 16
idur = p3
iamp = p4
k1 linen 1, .1, idur, 1 ; Linear in out
ag1 grain iamp, p5, p6, p7, p8, .7, p9, p10, 1.3
ag2 grain iamp, p5, p6, p7, p8, .2, p9, p10, 1
kline line 0, idur, idur
aleft,ax1 pan2 ag1, kline
ax2,aright pan2 ag2, kline
aamp1 expseg .01, .001, 1, idur-.001, .04 ; Tone envelope
outs k1*aleft*(1-aamp1),k1*aright*(1-aamp1)
; Sin or GEN10 functions start at 1
f1 0 4096 10 1
f2 0 4096 10 1 .5 .333 .25 .2 .166 .142 .125 .111 .1 .09 .083 .076 .071 .066 .062
f3 0 4096 10 1 .9 .1 .1 .9
f7 0 1024 7 0 128 1 128 .6 512 .6 256 0
; Wave Functions start at 100
f100 0 0 1 "headshot1.wav" 0 0 0
f101 0 0 1 "riflecock-1.wav" 0 0 0
f103 0 0 1 "mission_short.wav" 0 0 0
f104 0 0 1 "missionimpossible_short.wav" 0 0 0
; Defined Notes
#define C2 #65.41#
#define Db2 #69.30#
#define Eb2 #77.78#
#define D2 #73.42#
#define E2 #82.41#
#define F2 #87.31#
#define Gb2 #92.50#
#define G2 #98.00#
#define Ab2 #103.83#
#define A2 #110.00#
#define Bb2 #116.54#
#define B2 #123.47#
#define C3 #130.81#
#define Db3 #138.59#
#define D3 #146.83#
#define Eb3 #155.56#
#define E3 #164.81#
#define F3 #174.61#
#define Gb3 #185.00#
#define G3 #196.00#
#define Ab3 #207.65#
#define A3 #220.00#
#define Bb3 #233.08#
#define B3 #246.94#
#define C4 #261.63#
#define Db4 #277.18#
#define D4 #293.66#
#define Eb4 #311.13#
#define E4 #329.63#
#define F4 #349.23#
#define Gb4 #369.99#
#define G4 #392.00#
#define Ab4 #415.30#
#define A4 #440.00#
#define Bb4 #466.16#
#define B4 #493.88#
#define C5 #523.25#
#define Db5 #554.37#
#define D5 #587.33#
#define Eb5 #622.25#
#define E5 #659.26#
#define F5 #698.46#
#define Gb5 #739.99#
#define G5 #783.99#
#define Ab5 #830.61#
#define A5 #880.00#
#define Bb5 #932.33#
#define B5 #987.77#
; Opening Sequence of 5th Element to accept mission
; Mission impossible intro
; Head Shot and then into the Fatality beats for awhile
i4 0 4.8 10000 .85 103
i4 4.8 3 5000 1.3 104
i4 7.3 3 5000 1.3 100
; Fatality Sound waves
i1 8.25 1
i1 8.75 .
i1 9.25 .
i1 10.25 1
i1 10.75 .
i1 11.25 .
i1 12.25 1
i1 12.75 .
i1 13.25 .
i1 14.25 1
i1 14.75 .
i1 15.25 .
; Drum Sounds
i12 8 3 10000 6.02 30 900 .08 85 .5
i12 8.5 . . . . . . . .
i12 9 . . . . . . . .
i12 9.5 . . . . . . . .
i12 9.75 .5 . . . . . . .
i12 10 3 . . . . . . .
i12 10.5 . . . . . . . .
i12 11 . . . . . . . .
i12 11.5 . . . . . . . .
i12 11.75 .5 . . . . . . .
i12 12 3 . . . . . . .
i12 12.5 . . . . . . . .
i12 12 . . . . . . . .
i12 13.5 . . . . . . . .
i12 13.75 .5 . . . . . . .
i12 14 3 . . . . . . .
i12 14.5 . . . . . . . .
i12 14 . . . . . . . .
i12 15.5 . . . . . . . .
i12 15.75 .5 . . . . . . .
i12 16 2 3000 9.02 50 500 .5 85 1
i12 16.25 2 . . . . . . 0
i12 16.5 2 . . . . . . 1
i12 16.5 2 . . . . . . 0
; You can't Handle the Truth wave
i2 16.75 2
i2 18.8 2
; Truth wave
i3 18.25 .3
i3 18.5 .3
i3 19 .2
i3 19.2 .2
i3 19.4 .2
i3 19.6 .2
i3 19.8 .2
; Load the Guns
i4 20.5 1 30000 2 101
i4 20.6 1 30000 2 101
i12 21.5 15 25000 6.02 30 900 .08 85 .5
; Play Head Shot after initial opening
i4 23 3 10000 .75 100
; static type noise strange grain not sure why and does not fit but
; is needed for the asignment and only spot I can think of
i16 25 6 5000 70 40 1000 50 2 1
; Delay some and move into second movement
; Supposed to be a funeral sound type not sure if I like
; but meh
; Under Tone to the Crazy instrument
i13 30.0 8 10000 $G3 1 .1 .1
i13 34.0 8 8000 $A3 1 .1 .1
i13 37.8 12 10000 $E4 1 .1 .1
; Crazy instrument
i5 30 1.5 1000 110 1
i5 + .5 > 220 .
i5 . 1.5 . 110 .
i5 . .5 . 220 .
i5 . . . 110 .
i5 . . . 220 .
i5 . . . 110 .
i5 . . . 220 .
i5 . 1.5 1000 110 .
i5 . .25 0 110 . ; this is the blank sound to continue time
i5 . 1.5 1000 440 .
i5 . .5 . 220 .
i5 . 1.5 . 440 .
i5 . .5 . 220 .
i5 . . . 440 .
i5 . . . 220 .
i5 . . . 440 .
i5 . . . 220 .
i5 . 1.5 1000 440 .
i5 30 1.5 1000 640 1
i5 + .5 > 330 .
i5 . 1.5 . 50 .
i5 . .5 . 640 .
i5 . . . 330 .
i5 . . . 50 .
i5 . . . 640 .
i5 . . . 330 .
i5 . 1.5 1000 50 .
i5 . .25 0 110 . ; this is the blank sound to continue time
i5 . 1.5 1000 540 .
i5 . .5 . 120 .
i5 . 1.5 . 540 .
i5 . .5 . 120 .
i5 . . . 540 .
i5 . . . 220 .
i5 . . . 540 .
i5 . . . 120 .
i5 . 1.5 1000 50 .
; Fanfare for the common man
; The score can be found here: http://lcweb2.loc.gov/diglib/ihas/loc.natlib.ihas.100010473/default.html
;Ins start idur iamp ifreq ifn iattk irels
i13 46.0 0.35 10000 $G4 1 .1 .1
i13 46.25 0.35 10000 $C5 . . .
i13 46.5 3.5 10000 $A5 . . .
i13 50.0 0.35 10000 $C5 . . .
i13 50.25 0.35 10000 $A5 . . .
i13 50.5 2.5 10000 $G5 . . .
i13 53.0 1.1 10000 $B5 . . .
i13 54.0 1.1 10000 $G5 . . .
i13 55.0 1.1 10000 $C5 . . .
i13 56.0 2.0 10000 $G4 . . .
i13 58.0 0.35 10000 $F4 . . .
i13 58.25 0.35 10000 $A4 . . .
i13 58.5 2.5 10000 $C5 . . .
i13 61.0 0.35 10000 $C5 . . .
i13 61.25 0.35 10000 $E5 . . .
i13 61.5 2.5 10000 $A5 . . .
i13 64.0 0.35 10000 $F4 . . .
i13 64.25 0.35 10000 $A4 . . .
i13 64.5 2.5 10000 $C5 . . .
i13 67.0 0.35 10000 $E5 . . .
i13 67.25 0.35 10000 $G4 . . .
i13 67.5 4.5 10000 $C4 . . .