I went into planning this track looking to create something raw and experimental. Its most defining characteristic is laying down a bassline with heavy beatboxing. The bassline is contrasted throughout with high-pitched synths and periods of fast, sporadic drumming produced using granular synthesis.


There are two types of samples used in this track. The beatboxing samples that are heard are from GOOD Music's single, "Take One For The Team". These were processed to extract portions which could be looped seamlessly.

The other types of samples are audio clips which I had recorded in a production studio. Also, I'm kidding about the production studio. More interestingly, I recorded them using some CSounds sample code. It listened for audio, added a flanger/delay effect and outputted it to a file.

Unique Instruments


The dataflow definition diagram you see to the right represents one of my unique instruments used in this composition.

The top oscil represents a low-frequency oscillator with amplitude p4. This LFO is fed into three more sine wave oscillators. The LFO is used to control the amplitude of these three oscillators. They get louder and quieter in tandem with one another. They differ in their phases. The phase (p5) that is passed into the left and right oscils are slightly larger and smaller than the middle oscil, respectively. This adds a chorus effect to the waves by offsetting them slightly. Finally, each a# output is weighted to .3 of it's amplitude and fed into both the left and the right output.

The sound that it produces can be heard at 17s and 22s where it is played as individual, discrete notes as well as at 49s where a scale is played to transition to the finale.


The other, more common unique instrument is produced much more simply, while giving a cool effect. A very low-frequency oscillator feeds into the phase of the outputted sine wave. This sound can be heard from 29s and from 1m.


http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com - for the template to create this website.

http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/grain.html - for assistance specifically with understanding and tweaking the grain parameters

http://www.csounds.com/manual - for the tons of tutorials and audio recorder which was used for the recorded audio clips.