Important dates
- Topic reservation date by: October 4th, by NOON.
- Slides due date: Your slides must be sent to me 4:00 pm, the Friday before your presentation date.
Each seminar is 40 minutes long. 35 minutes are allocated for a formal,
uninterrupted presentation, and 5 minutes
for questions and discussions.
A PC with a data projector and an overhead projector will be available. A network connection should be available
but is not guaranteed.
Posible topic areas include
Choose a fairly recent publication in a journal or a conference related to Evolutionary
computation/swarm intelligence. You need my approval for any chosen topic. Possible topic areas include, but are
not limited to:
- Multi-Objective Dynamic Optimization using Evolutionary Algorithms
- Parallel GAs
- Evolutionary strategies
- Differential Evolution
- Coevolution
- Analysis of Selection Methods in Coevolution
- Self-adapting evolutionary algorithms
- Fitness Landscapes
- Evolutionary robotics
- Swarm Robotics
- Genetic programming
- Massively Parallel Genetic Programming
- Ant colony optimization
- Evolving neural networks
- Evolving deep neural networks
- Evolutionary Computation in music composition and art generation
The idea behind this seminar is not to simply summarize the research paper, but rather to choose the important points that you found
interesting in the paper and show your understanding of the material.
Evaluation of your seminar presentation will include:
- Slides Contents
- Organization, Flow & expression
- Understanding of presented material
- Q & A
- Effort & enthusiasm
- Peer evaluation
- Note: All expected to particpate in all seminars