========================================================================================= DocMemory PC Memory Diagnostic Software V3.1 Beta 2006 ( Not for Resale) ========================================================================================= User Manual & Troubleshooting Guide Table of Contents License Agreement ****************** 1. Introduction 2. Installation 3. Quick Start 4.0 Menu 4.1. Run Test 4.2. Quit 4.3. Configuration 4.3.1. Stop on First Error 4.3.2. Test Pattern 5.0 Troubleshooting Guide 5.1 How to interpret DocMemory Test Result 5.2 Common Memory Errors 5.3 Troubleshooting without Opening up PC 5.4 Troubleshooting by Opening up PC 5.5 Guide to trouble shooting with BIOS Beep -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- License Agreement ***************** THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT IS A LEGAL BINDING BETWEEN YOU AND CST_INC FOR DOCMEMORY SOFTWARE PRODUCT. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE UNCONDITIONALLY TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, EVEN IF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT IS DEEMED A MODIFICATION OF ANY PREVIOUS AGREEMENT OR CONTRACT. LICENSE GRANT: Subject to your compliance with the term of this agreement, CST_INC, hereby grants you a non-exclusive right and license to the software and related documents. You may make a single copy of the software for backup and archival purposes only provided that any copy must contain proprietary notices included in the original. OWNERSHIP: Title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights to the software shall remain with CST_Inc and are protected by international copyright laws, intellectual rights and treaties. There will be no transfer of any title or ownership of the software to you. CST Inc shall reserve all rights that are not specifically granted under this License Agreement. RESTRICTION: You acknowledge that CST Inc owned the software, documentation and all intellectual rights. You agree not to sub-license, rent or lease any portion of the software and documentation without the prior written authorization of CST_Inc. You may not attempt to create or derive any of the source code or other technology or data within the software by disassembly, reverse engineering, de-compile or any other method, or otherwise reduce the software to a human-perceivable form. TERMINATION: Agreement and License are effective from the time you accept the terms of this agreement until this agreement is terminated. You may terminate at any time by destroying the software and all copies thereof. CST_Inc reserved the rights to terminate this agreement immediately and without further notice if you fail to comply with any terms or conditions of this agreement. Upon termination, you agree to uninstall or destroy all copies of software and documentation. WARRANTY: CST_Inc warrants that the media on which the Software is distributed will be free from defects CST_Inc does not warrant that the Software will meet your requirements or that operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or that the Software will be error-free. The above warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, whether express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: CST_INC shall not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, exemplary damages, including without limitation damages for loss of use, lost profits, loss of data or information of any kind, arising out of or in connection with the software, its use or this agreement. Even if CST_INC has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will CST_INC be liable for any claim relating to the software or its use or this agreement, whether in contract or any other theory of liability exceeding the license fee paid by you. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This License constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the use of the Software and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding such subject matter. THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT IS GOVERNED BY AND INTERPRETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. Any question can be forwarded to : CST INC - Address: 2336, Lu Field Road, Dallas, Texas 75229 USA. Phone: (972) 241-2662 Fax (972) 241-2661 Email : docmemory@simmtester.com. Copyright (c) 2006 CST_INC. All Rights Reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0 Introduction ********************* DocMemory PC Diagnostic Software is freeware and a user friendly DOS based memory-diagnostic software. DocMemory was developed to enable PC Repair technician to quickly uncover all possible memory problems without removing the memory from the PC System. New test patterns are constantly updated to capture a wide range of memory defects that surface within the memory modules, be it a Fast Page Mode, EDO, SDRAM,DDR DDR2 FBDIMM or RAMBUS memory modules. The software is applicable for PC system using Intel or compatible processor from the basic 486 to the latest Pentium-based PC and AMD ‘s Athlon PC. DocMemory is designed to test only Extended Memory Test ( 640K and above) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Extended Memory refers to the memory locations that are above 1Mbyte to the maximum amount of Ram installed in a typical PC system (eg: 1M ~ 256 Mbyte; 1M ~ 256 Mbyte). A Docmemory Run_test will be performed only on the Extended memory cells, since a memory module with a bad base memory from 0 - 640K byte will never Post on bootup. 2.0 Installation ********************* DocMemory is available as a freeware release in both english and chinese version which can be download from the CST website http://www.simmtester.com or http://www.docmemory.com. Docmemory is a stand alone program that cannot be executed under windows and must be installed and loaded from a floppy disk Disk. To install DocMemory: - Format a Blank Floppy Disk with any Window OS. (Important procedure) - Extract the DocMemory files from the zip archive - Open the directory where the files were extracted and click on "install.bat". - The install program will prompt you for the floppy drive and also prompt you to insert a blank formated floppy Disk. - After installation, To run Docmemory leave the floppy in the drive and reboot. NOTE: After the boot floppy has been created you will not be able to read the floppy from windows. This is normal. CAUTION: DocMemory does not change any setting in your PC system, therefore be sure you follow the instruction given, otherwise contact someone who knows how to setup and install the software. Ensure you are in using Microsoft environment, DocMemory supports : Win Operating Systems such as Win98 Win ME, Window NT, 2000 and Window XP Linux, Novell , Sun- UNIX ...etc OS are not supported 3. Quick Start ************** Upon start-up, DocMemory will execute only "Burn-In Test" mode. Over the years, DocMemory have encountered many memory problem surfacing after prolong usage on the PC system.In order to capture this kind of hard to catch failures --- DocMemory diagnostic software is effective when run in Burnt-In cycle. Burnt- In : feature provides the user an option to run the selected test continuously by default until the user intervene to abort test by selecting [Esc]. DocMemory have selected in "Burnt-In Test" operation to runs 5 very effective test pattern by default.User does not have to select the type of Pattern to test the memory. Press [ Esc ] button or click to abort the test and subsequently proceed to the Main_Menu. To begin testing: Reboot the PC or 1. Select Function key [F5] to run after the test is halted by pressing the [ ESC ] key. 2. Use Mouse to click on Action menu and select Run_Test 3. Hot Keys Method: Press [Alt] + [A] for the Action_Menu, and press [F5 ] to start the test. 4.0 Menu Options ********************* 4.1 Run Test Run_Test performs memory check based on 5 fixed selected test pattern. To activate Run Test function, simply go to Action_Menu and choose Run_Test by pressing the Hot keys or by just pressing [F5] to begin. Mouse Interface feature provides an alternative control in the command selection, allowing easy user control interface. While DocMemory is executing the Run_Test, screen showing the status of the DRAM Memory under test, PC CPU system Info and test results of the selected parameters is displayed When DocMemory detects a bad cell or fail any test pattern, a beeping sound will alert the user and display the exact location of the fault. User selects [s] to remove the sound or [Esc] to abort the test. Use the troubleshooting guide under chapter 5 to locate bad modules, if a failure is detected. 4.2 Quit Selecting Quit from the Action_Menu, aborts the program and return user to MS-DOS Prompt. 4.3 Configuration 4.3.1 Stop of On First Error. DocMemory will run continously and temporary record the error message on the PC screen. User can terminate testing on 'First error", Otherwise the memory diagnostic software will run continously and record the error message. 4.3.2 Test Pattern DocMemory’s memory test patterns are carefully designed and used to detect specific problems on a memory module. There are several kinds of test patterns that the industry recognizes as excellent choices for uncovering assembly errors and memory cells failures. The following list are the default Test pattern available in the software. ====================================================================================================================== ====>> Walk Data "0" & "1" This pattern is designed to find Open/Short data lines. The walking "1" test writes a data pattern into some arbitrary locations and reads back the information to see whether the data pattern is unchanged. It works the same way for the walking "0" pattern except the data pattern is now inverted. ====>> Walk Address "0" & "1" This pattern is designed to detect address lines that are short, open, stuck or are having missing bits error. For Walking "1", DocMemory first choose all those locations that can test single address lines and fill these locations with an arbitrary data pattern. Each single location is rewritten with its complimentary pattern.(eg. 0x55 => 0xaa ). If any change is detected, it can be concluded that there are problems on the address line. The same process is repeated with Walking "0" except the address locations are now inverted. ====>> March-8 March-8 Test is a well defined test pattern designed to uncover memory cell failures such as address decoder faults, stuck at faults and cell interaction problems. ====>> March-16 March 16 is similar to the Moving Inversion Test algorithm except it uses a random Moving inversion testing method to detect single cell failures. It is designed to unveil various faults like : AFs (Address decoder Faults), SAFs (Stuck At Faults), TFs (Transition Faults), CFins ( Coupling Inversion Faults) linked with TFs or CFids, and CFids (Coupling Idempotent Faults) linked with TFs or CFids. ====>> March-32 March 32 is similar to the Moving Inversion Test algorithm except it uses a random Moving inversion testing method to detect single cell failures. It is designed to unveil various faults like : AFs (Address decoder Faults), SAFs (Stuck At Faults), TFs (Transition Faults), CFins ( Coupling Inversion Faults) linked with TFs or CFids, and CFids (Coupling Idempotent Faults) linked with TFs or CFids. ====>> R- March R-March - is implement to detect AFs (Address decoder Faults), SAFs (Stuck At Fault), TFs (Transition Faults) unlinked CFins ( Coupling Inversion Faults), unlinked CFids (Coupling Idempotent Faults) and CFsts ( State Coupling Faults). ==================================================================================================================== 5.0 Troubleshooting Guide ************************** 5.1 How to Interpret DocMemory Test Result When DocMemory detects a bad cell or fails a test, a beeping sound will alert the user and highlights the exact location the fault lies with the test pattern that picks out this fault. User selects [s] to remove the sound or [Esc] to abort the test. From the above sample test result-the module being tested is a single piece 184pin 256MB DDR DIMM Module. DocMemory will default testing from memory range 1MB up to the maximum memory install. , the memory range starts from 0KB and ends at 256 MB. If a failure is detected – DocMemory will display the result and pin-point exactly which memory range and databit has failed. From the test result shown – there were failures at the Extended Memory : 1) March-8 * Addr ( 32 m ), Exp : 55aa55aa, Rd : 55aa55ab ; Fail_DQ 5 Short Form: Addr = Address Exp = Expected Rd = ReadBack Fail = Fail DQ = Data Bit Interpretation for Test Failure-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- I xxxxx ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- I I x x I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I x U1x I U2I I U3I IU4 I IU5 I IU6 I IU7 I IU8 I I I x x I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I xxxxx ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- I I I I --- I ----------------------------------------I I------------------------ U1(DQ5) -- which is connected to DQ5 is defective Extended Memory range starts from 640K and above. The “MARCH-8” Test pattern has detected memory failure by writing a set of data pattern [55aa55aa] into memory range location at (640K - 256MB). In order to detect if any of the memory cell is defective from range (640K - 256MB) – DocMemory will read back data pattern and match [55aa55aa]. If the read-back data pattern does not match [55aa55aa] – DocMemory will record the failure and pin-point the fail address range and data-bit location. In this example the read-back data was [ 55aa55ab] , which is incorrect, and the address range is 32MB and Data bit 5 is bad. Reference - figure 1 , Databit 5 is tied to U1 chip. 5.1.2 Action after analysing the Test Results From the test results , we know that failure had been detected at Extended Memory. Since the example uses only one piece of 256MB – the single defective module will have to be replaced.For a skilled techinican - using the following pin mapping , Data bit 5 is tied to Chip U1 for the DIMM module and the defective chip can be physically replaced to fixed the defective module. Default Pin Mapping for 184PIN DDR and 240PIN DDR2 Unbuffered DIMM ------------------------------------------------------------------- Modules with nM x8 ICs ------------------------------------------------------------ IC Pins Corresponding Module Pins ------------------------------------------------------------ U1 : 0 -7 DB 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 U2 : 0 -7 DB 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 U3 : 0 -7 DB 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 U4 : 0 -7 DB 24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31 U5 : 0 -7 DB 32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39 U6 : 0 -7 DB 40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47 U7 : 0 -7 DB 48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55 U8 : 0 -7 DB 56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63 ------------------------------------------------------------------- I ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IU1 I I U2I I U3I IU4 I IU5 I IU6 I IU7 I IU8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---- I I I I --- I ----------------------------------------I I------------------------ FIGURE 1-sTANDARD 8 BIT IC on a 64bit DIMM REFERENCE MAP Modules with nM x 16 ICs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IC Pins Corresponding Module Pins ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U1 : 0 - 15 DB 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 U2 : 0 - 15 DB 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31 U3 : 0 - 15 DB 32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47 U4 : 0 - 15 DB 48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63 ------------------------------------------------------------------ I ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I U1 I I U2 I I u3 I I u4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------ I I I I --- I ----------------------------------------I I----------------------- FIGURE 2-sTANDARD 16 BIT IC on a 64bit DIMM REFERENCE MAP Refer to Section 5.42 for details for module swapping if more than one piece of modules is being installed. 5.2 Common Memory Errors This section is written with the assumption there is a general understanding of PC operating system, in order for you to be capable of performing the diagnostic procedures detailed below. We will try to describe the entire process in full detail, however it is beyond the scope of this troubleshooter guide to provide all the necessary information to cover all possible PC system failures. For further assistance with non-memory related failures, please consult your PC manual or manufacturer support help online system. If your particular question is not addressed in this section – please send us an e-mail and we will do our best to provide you with the right answers. When you are experiencing memory failures on your PC system, there are several faults to determined, check the following: * PC system does not boot-up * HIMEM.SYS does not load * Memory failure due to system hanging up, or system rebooting after executing a large program. * Fail to install win3.1, Win95 ,Win98,Win2000 & Window XP. * Installation of NT fail * Windows program is unstable * Can compile a kernel in Linux * Continuos beeping sound emitted by system during power up * Continuos ram count during boot-up , without loading Windows program * No display other than blue screen on the monitor during boot-up * Totally no video display on the monitor. * System hang or rebooting after prolong usage. All of the above are typical of memory related failures, you need to be either well trained or PC knowledgeable to be able to perform the correct diagnostic methods. Once a memory failure has been detected, identifying the defective module is not an easy task either. With a large variety of motherboard provided by different manufacturer around the world, and with the many different combination of DIMM slots provided, it would be difficult if not impossible to assemble a complete information about how a particular memory error would map to a failing memory module. However, there are some basic rules that may be taken to pinpoint defective modules using a memory diagnostic software as an aid. 5.21 Having trouble with DocMemory Software There are millions of PC in used today and the combination of different types of memory used with different type of motherboards are beyond our imagination. If you encounter unusual problems while using DocMemory with your PC system, you might need to conduct the following check. 5.3 Troubleshooting without opening up your PC * Check the PC BIOS settings, make sure that you are only using the BIOS defaults. If you have just upgraded your BIOS make certain that you have cleared the CMOS and turned the power off between setting up your BIOS. * Remove the battery pack from the motherboard. Keep it out for at least 20 minutes. Make sure you unplug the PC power supply before removing the battery. * Using Cache Memory check the cache memory, If the cache memory is on the motherboard, then disable the external cache setting in the BIOS. The Intel Pentium II processors have the L2 cache built onto the processor package, therefore make certain that the ECC function for the L2 cache is set properly in the BIOS. * Only use PC3200 memory when operating your PC at 400 MHz * Check the memory markings. Sometimes mixing speeds, brands, and types (EDO/FPM) will work, but if you are receiving these errors, your motherboard might not function well this way. Look at the markings of the SOJs,TSOPs or BGA on the module. Are all the markings the same? Some major on third modules have this mixing which can cause intermittent problems. * Check your hard drive for data corruption, you might consider it odd, sometimes you simply have cross-linked files. Windows uses the hard drive space temporarily as a type of system memory. A corrupt swap file can cause problems. 5.4 Troubleshooting by Opening Up Your PC 5.4.1 Unplug the Power NOTES: Unplug the computers power cable before opening the case. Use a grounding strap when installing or removing computer components. Step 1 Perform Visual Inspection Check to make sure all memory is well seated in the memory connectors. For most older motherboards you will need two strips of memory in pairs of two to function properly. Consult the manual for your computer or motherboard for valid memory configuration. The first step will be to identify the memory socket numbering, (DIMM0, DIMM1). You will always start checking the RAM module starting with the first socket, usually DIMM-0. ( Always reference your motherboard user manual guide) 1. Remove modules, clean the contacts and re-align the notches on the memory board with the tabs in the socket. Place the module into the socket at a 60-degree angle and tilt up until the module locks into place. If the module will not lock into place then it is backwards. Turn it around and try again. 2. Repeat step 1 for the second module. 3. Before turning on the computer, (a) make sure that the modules are locked into place, (b) check to make sure that none of the computer cables and adapter cards came loose. 4. When you turn on the computer it should test the memory (count it) -Boot up. 5. If the computer tests the memory, then you are done. 6. If the computer screen does not come on then you may have 1 or more problems. (1) You are installing the wrong type of RAM. (2) The RAM is not seated properly. (3) A cable or adapter card came loose. (4) You forgot to plug the power cable back in. 7. Keep in mind that on some older systems the computer will not count the ram properly until you enter the BIOS and then save and exit from the BIOS. 5.4.2 Step 2 Swap the Modules Around Removing the modules one by one from motherboard This is simplest method for isolating a failing module, but this may apply only if the motherboard have more than one module on the DIMM Slot. By selectively removing module one at a time from the system and then running the test you will be able to find the bad module very quickly. Be sure to mark the module that passes or when it test fails. * Swap the modules around When none of the modules can be removed, swap and rotate modules to find which module is defective. This technique can only be used if there are two or more modules in the system. Change the location of two modules one at a time. For instances, place the module from DIMM slot 1 into slot 2 and place the other module from slot 2 in slot 1. Run the diagnostic test and if either the failing data bit or address changes, you know that one of the module you have just swap is defective. By using several combinations of module swapping you should be able to check which module is defective. * Replacing with known good module If you are unable to use either of the above two techniques, you are left to use known good modules and selectively replace of modules one by one to pin point the memory failure. This is the easiest way to detect memory failure. * Removing and cleaning the metal contacts If your PC system is older, sometimes dust and oxidation will cause poor contact in the DIMM slot. Remove the module and clean the gold or tin contact with a “pencil eraser” or any cleaning solution used for video and audio head cleaning. Make sure you remember which slot is being used, and be careful not to reverse the module while reinserting into the DIMM slot * Identifying memory failure using motherboard BIOS codes If you are not trained to perform the correct diagnostic methods – majority BIOS developers and motherboard manufacturers have device a simple way of telling you if your system is having problem by emitting beeping tones from the build in speaker on the motherboard, without the aid of a memory tester. 5.5 Guide to troubleshooting memory using BIOS Beep Codes . The BIOS on the motherboard will always perform a power-on-self-test “POST” during power up, usually this test is perform to ensure proper system function and if a failure occurs – the “POST” will identify the failure and emits a beeping sound to prompt the service technician to take corrective action ASAP. The exact meaning of the beeping codes varies from different BIOS developers, there are 3 basic BIOS developer today, the most popular BIOS is made by “American Mega-trend” - AMI, Award and Phoenix BIOS. The beep codes for this AMI & Award BIOS developer are provided in this memory troubleshooter guide, we do not provide beep code reference for Phoenix BIOS and custom BIOS written by other companies other than the two mention. Beep codes are not entirely consistent sometimes to detect the exact failures, but generally it is still the most dependent methods to diagnose a fault without opening up the PC system or using any diagnostic software. 5.5.1 Troubleshooting Memory Failures using AMI BIOS Beep Codes AMI BIOS is the most popular BIOS used by most motherboard manufacturer- you should be able to determine your system BIOS by reading the screen display on the Top screen during power up. Procedures – The normal procedure is to power up the PC system, watch for error message on the monitor screen and listen to the PC beep tone. A single beep during boot-up process is normal and does not indicate a failure if the system continues to boot-up. 1 Beep tone - DRAM refresh failure 2 Beep tone - DRAM Parity failure 3 Beep tone - Base 64K RAM failure 4 Beep tone - System timer error 5 Beep tone - CPU failure 6 Beep tone - Keyboard controller error 7 Beep tone - Virtual mode error 8 Beep tone - Display memory read/write error 9 Beep tone - ROM BIOS checksum error 10 Beep tone - CMOS register read/write error 11 Beep tone - Cache memory error Continuos Beep tone - Memory or Video memory failures 5.5.2 Troubleshooting Memory Failures using Award BIOS Beep Codes Award is the another popular BIOS developer and they use the fewest beep codes by far. Procedures – The normal procedure is to power up the PC system, watch for error message on the monitor screen and listen to the PC beep tone. A single beep during boot-up process is normal and does not indicate a failure if the system continues to boot-up. 1 Long Beep tone - Memory Problem 1 Long Beep and 2 Short Beeps - DRAM Parity failure 1 Long Beep and 3 Short Beeps - Video error Continuos Beep tone - Memory or Video memory failures