Brock University -- Department of Computer Science
Policy on Marking Teamwork
This document outlines the policy that governs the assignment of
marks to projects that require teamwork. A team is defined as any
two or more persons who jointly agree to share responsibility for
the completion of an assignment or project. The final mark for the
assignment or project will be assigned to each team member. In the
few cases where a team fails to function as a cohesive unit and thus
results in the breakdown of the team, the instructor can intervene
and determine another course of mark allocation.
The role of the instructor is to ensure that academic standards
are met. The instructor is thus charged with the responsibility to
fairly evaluate the skill and competency of an individual student
based on accepted standards. Two primary ways that this can be
done are: 1) evaluation of individual pieces of work, and 2)
evaluation of a team project.
Should the project complete normally, then an agreed upon marking
scheme is applied, and students evaluated accordingly. In cases
where projects fail to complete due to circumstances outside the
control of the team (or part of the team) then the instructor can
apply some other marking scheme to evaluate the participating
students based on the completed work. Some team projects require
peer evaluation forms to be completed; this would then be
specified in the marking scheme and the comments in this document
are still relevant.
Instructor intervention would be appropriate in some of the
following circumstances:
- A majority within a team (assuming three or more members)
complains that some members are not "pulling their weight".
- A majority within a team (assuming three or more members)
complains that some members are not present or have not
contributed to any part of the project.
- A team becomes completely dysfunctional.
- A team becomes partially dysfunctional.
- Final project is a failure due to one or more of the above.
When one or more of the above become true, the instructor has the
right to evaluate the project and assign marks on an individual
basis. This may result in one or more of the following outcomes.
- The project is considered a failure; all members of the team
receive a failing grade.
- The project is considered a failure; however due to
circumstances outside the control of the whole team a pass is
awarded based on completed work. For example: system crash has
wiped out months of development; act of nature (flood, storm)
has impeded or destroyed work; other extenuating circumstances.
- Marks are awarded to those members who contributed positively
to the project. This could mean a failing grade for some members
of the team.
- Marks are distributed or pro-rated to reflect the
contributions of the individuals to the project.
The course instructor will evaluate individuals based on the
completed project and on evidence individuals submit. For this
reason, each student should keep one or more of the following to
ensure that the instructor has ample information on which to base a
decision. This serves to protect the student's right for a fair
assessment should things not work out.
- A log book or diary of activities, like meetings attended,
work completed, etc.
- Source code.
- Revision information for code and written documents,
printouts of unfinished programs or documents.
- Source documents, like papers, journals.
- Emails which show individual involvement in the project.
- Text messages
- Anything else which would or could convince the instructor
that the student has contributed positively to the project.
E-mailed documents (dated), are very helpful.
Ultimately it is the student's responsibility to provide proof of
allegations or defence from allegations. Failure to provide will
influence the outcome.