Lab 3
In this lab we will be introducing you to a networking tool
called WireShark. WireShark is a free packet analyser which is
capable of showing traffic to and from network interfaces.
WireShark is currently installed in the lab under Scientific
Linux. To run WireShark:
- Log into Linux on the supplied lab machines. If you have
your own laptop, you can run WireShark from Windows or an
installed Linux/Unix
- Open a consul window.
- To allow wireshark access to the X11 display you will
need to disable the access control:
- WireShark needs to run in admin mode, if WireShark is not
installed follow the directions below:
yum install wireshark wireshark-gnome
You will be presented with a Youtube Tutorial on how to
use WireShark. Follow along with the tutorial. The lab
demonstrator will pause the tutorial as needed to allow the class
to catch up and be in sync.
Credit for this lab is accomplished by attending and completing
the WireShark tutorial. Y eh, another %4.