Lab 6
We will be
working in the windows environment. The routers dhcp has been
disabled, however machines on the network must be able to
attain dynamic configuration. In this lab we will support our
own DHCP server.
Windows Static IP.
Boot into Windows. Configure your machine as static IP, with
default gateway and dns. This is required. Verify that you can
google something.
Google and install the windows version of WireShark. Test it and
be sure it is working.
DHCP Server
Google "dhcp server windows", you should find at the top of the
list a freeware server from "dhcpserver.de". Read up on it,
download the installation. Install.
Token Ring
Only 1, dhcp server can be active at any one time. So, the class
will be given a token (chalk brush). If you are in possession of
the brush you will be allowed to enable your server for testing.
To give up the brush you must bring down your server before brush
release. At that time, you can try to connect and obtain an
internet address from a server enabled in the lab.
Reward 4%
1) You must successfully configure and enable your dhcp server to
give out addresses.
2) You must successfully connect and obtain an address and use
those credentials to google something. Beware not to open a
cached web page.
3) You must capture a wire shark session with show you getting and
giving a dhcp.
Notes: This lab will require you to switch between
static and dhcp quite often. Be familiar with IPv4 on windows and
the use of ipconfig to release and renew dhcp.