
Handover Management in Vehicular Networks
Handover Management in Highly Dynamic Ultra Dense 5G Vehicular Networks.

GNN-based Dynamic Network Edge Analysis
Dynamic Network Edge Analysis for Internet of Vehicles with Graph Neural Networks.

Resource Estimation in Vehicular Fogs
Cloudlet Dwell Time Model and Resource Availability for Vehicular Fog Computing.

Resource Allocation in Vehicular Clouds
Composition of vehicular resource units as a relaxed, dynamic method for assigning VCC services.

Vehicular Network Connectivity Modelling for VCC Management
Modelling intermittent connectivity in vehicular networks for more precisely supporting VCC services.

Distributed Simulation of Intelligent Transportation Systems
The design and implementation of a simulation platform and application totally oriented for analysis of vehicular area networks.

Traffic and load characterization for Vehicular Clouds
Characterization of the vehicular traffic as an enabler for a series of applications in mobile cloud and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).

Distributed Simulations in Cloud Environments
The development of an architecture for facilitating the design, deployment, execution, and monitoring/management of large-scale simulations on private, public, or hybrid Clouds.

High Performance Computing in the Cloud
Scheduling and dynamic load balancing of computational and communication load of Cloud applications.

Load Management for Large-scale Distributed Simulations
Load balancing algorithms for the proper load re-distribution of large-scale [HLA-based] distributed simulations.