7. Hidden Line Removal
Brock University
COSC 3P98 Computer Graphics
Instructor: Brian J. Ross
Hidden line and surface removal
- OR visible line and surface determination (chapter 16)
- we have polygon faces defined for our object; we need to draw these
faces so that faces in front overwrite faces in the back
- this is a central problem in graphics and computational geometry: speed!
- various algorithms devised which are suited to different needs and
- eg. a video technique may differ substantially from that for a pen
Hidden lines and surfaces
- algorithms fall into 2 categories:
- 1. image-precision (device-precision) algorithms: work on a pixel basis by determining
visibility at each pixel
- "sampling": samples object geometry at device-dependent increments
- algorithm complexity proportional to device resolution
- because of sampling, can get aliasing problems (ie. "jagged line"
- 2. object-precision algorithms: determine visibility via the geometry
of the model
- "continuous": finds most precise answers as possible
- compares n graphical objects with each other: n*n complexity
- however, more complex mathematics, so this is usually slower than image
Types of algorithms
- Visible-line determination: examine edge geometry, and determine edge
segments that are visible or are hidden
- Z-buffer: device-precision algorithm that records the visible object
found at each pixel
- List priority algorithms: object-precise algorithms that sort objects
such that when drawn in that order, a correct rendering of hidden surfaces
- Scan-line algorithms: image-precise algorithms that determine visibility
one scan-line at a time
- Area subdivision algorithms: divide-and-conquer applied to object areas
- Ray tracing: determine visible object by tracing line from user eye
to each pixel in scene
... and others
- some general principles apply to ALL computer graphics algorithms
- coherence: degree to which parts of object exhibit local similarities
- most parts of the objects in a drawing are more similar than not
- if you account for this, then changes can be done incrementally &
therefore quickly
- face coherence: face shading is gradual
- scan line coherence: each scan line typically changes little
from those above and below it
- area coherence: adjacent pixels are typically on the same face
- frame coherence: in animation, each frame differs very slightly
from previous frame
- many hidden line techniques exploit these facts
Hidden line removal
- if you are drawing wireframes, then the hidden line problem is to find
the lines or line segments that are obstructed by interceding polygons,
and not draw them in full or part
- eg. functions of 2 variables: y = f(x,z)
- simple approach: for constant z values, compute values at x intervals,
and draw lines between
- need to remove line portions that are obstructed
- Quick + dirty: if on a CRT, then start at min z value, compute y's
for x's and z, rotate & convert to 2D (screen coordinates), and draw
- works from screen top to bottom, left to right
- but each time you draw a new y value, erase everything BELOW that point
- effectively removes obstructed parts of drawing
- disadvantage: won't work for plotters (cannot erase lines!), and won't work for x-y meshes
- Other algorithms (e.g. horizon line algorithm) are more general.
Hidden surfaces
- hidden line algorithms above are for functions on surfaces
- the more general problem is when you have assorted volumes in 3D space
- these volumes are not necessarily mathematical functions
- general problem:
- given points P1=(x1,y1,z1), P2=(x2,y2,z2) are P1 and
P2 on same projector to viewers eye?
- and if so, which one is closer (ie. the one the eye sees) and should
be drawn?
- note that this takes into account perspective, as well as colouring,
shading, etc, since we draw the actual colour of that object point
- hidden surface detection done after model is transformed and perspective
- parallel projection: compare projections (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)
- perspective projection: apply perspective scaling t', and then compare
points (x1', y1') and (x2', y2')
- different algorithms attempt to make this comparison as efficient as
- eg, prune the # of points/surfaces to compare
Efficiency techniques
- a) perform volume clipping: then less objects to compare
- b) check if object extents overlap
- object extent: the minimum and maximum screen X and Y values
- a quick way to disregard hidden line checking
- c) back-facing polygon elimination:
- polygon normal: the perpendicular ray (direction) from the plane containing
the polygon
- the equation of this plane determines the side of plane that normal
points in graphics, useful to make the normal point towards the front of
the poly.
- if an object defined in terms of planar polygons, and if the object
is closed, then we can then disregard drawing polygons whose normals are
pointing away from user (neg values)
- graphics routines: compute normal for the polygon; if it points towards
user then use it; otherwise ignore it
Backface elimination
- this can be expensive: have to compute normal's direction wrt user
- however, there's a trick: when you use simple convex planar polygons,
then you can use right-hand rule to determine direction of normal
- define the polygon edges in a counterclockwise order
- when you wrap right hand fingers in this direction, thumb points at
front normal
- then, the graphics routine simply checks if the polygon being drawn
is being
done so in a counterclockwise fashion
- --> if yes, it is a front-facing one; if not, it is back-facing
- Quick mathematical way to determine it:
- use sign of Z-component of cross product of 2 polygon edges, selected via CCW ordering of vertices.
- --> if positive: facing towards viewer
- --> if negative : facing away from viewer
- OpenGL:
- glFrontFace(GL_CCW); (or GL_CW)
- specifies clockwise or counterclockwise
- glCullFace(GL_BACK); (or GL_FRONT)
- specifies back or front facing culling
- glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
- turns backface elimination on
- significant speedup: cuts number of polygons to process by half
- make sure that you define your polygons in counterclockwise direction if GL_CCW set
- (if you see very little of object, you've defined polygon's in clockwise
Z Buffering
- z buffering (or depth buffering) is one of the simplest hidden
surface algorithms
- via hardware or software, an extra "z" buffer is maintained
along with frame buffer. It keeps track of the distance to nearest object at each pixel
- initialized to minimum z value (eg. most negative)
- then, when object being drawn, if its z coordinate at a point is greater
(more positive, less distance to viewer) than z buffer value, it is drawn,
and new z coord is saved; otherwise, it is not drawn
- if a line seg in 3D is being drawn, then the intermediate z values
between endpoint z coords are interpolated: linear interpolation for polygons,
and can compute z for more complex surfaces
- some problems:
- aliasing: limited to size of z buffer word per pixel; can have imprecision
at extremely far distances --> important to have as small a viewing
volume as possible
- possible to write into and manipulate z buffer memory directly, eg.
Z buffer
OpenGL: Z buffer
- graphics cards directly support z buffer
- initialize (GLUT):
- To use: clear the Z-buffer whenever a new frame is to be drawn:
can combine with colour clearing:
And that's it! must remember to clear the z-buffer whenever you draw
a new frame
List-Priority algorithms
- These algorithms sort objects in an ordering that, when drawn, causes
hidden surface removal.
- if objects don't overlap, then simply sorting on "z" coordinate
and drawing them from farthest to nearest z will work
- However, in general, objects can overlap, so more complex criteria
are needed
- also called "painter's algorithm": how a painter might paint
a scene
- sort all polygons according to smallest z coordinate of each (ie. distance to viewer)
- resolve overlaps (split polygons if necessary)
- scan convert polygons from farthest to nearest
- algorithm works for objects that lie in planes of constant z
- (eg. windowing systems), or those whose z extents do not overlap
- --> step 2 not required then
- otherwise, step 2 must test whether polygons do not overlap, if any of these tests are true:
- i) polygons' x extents overlap
- ii) polygons' y extents overlap
- iii) their projection extents on x-y plane overlap
- iv) one polygon is on one side or the other of other's plane and if
so, split them up using clipping
- with simple objects and meshes (eg. closed solid volumes), this technique is often quite efficient, because objects can be drawn from furthest to closest without worrying about overlapping polygons.
Area subdivision (Warnock's Algorithm)
- Idea: try to make an easy decision about which polygon is visible in a
section of the image (area coherence)
- If a decision cannot be made, subdivide the area recursively until one can be made.
- Can be device-precise (stop at pixel) or object-precise (stop at error range)
- Recursive algorithm:
- divide image into 4 equal areas
- for each area (see tests below):
- 1. are all polygons disjoint from area? (test d)
- yes --> display background colour
- 2. only one intersecting or contained polygon (tests b, c)
- yes --> fill with background colour, and then draw contained polygon
or intersecting portion
- 3. one single surrounding polygon, no intersecting or contained polygons (test a)
- yes --> draw area with that polygon's colour
- 4. more than one polygon is intersecting, contained in, or surrounding,
but only one polygon is surrounding the area and is in front of others (test a)
- yes --> draw area with that front polygon's colour
- e) ELSE --> subdivide the area into 4 equal areas and recurse
- 4 test cases (shaded polygon is to be rendered):
Area subdivision
- Clipping the polygons at step 2 and draw can be done at an object precise
or image precise level
- Quitting: if none of the test cases have terminated, then you can
stop either at image precise or device precise resolution
- eg. if stopping at pixel resolution, then find the nearest polygon
at the centre of the area - colour the pixel that colour
- eg. for antialiasing, could compute the relative area of the area
covered by different polygons and the background, and give an
average colour
Ray Tracing
- For each pixel, compute the colour that the viewer's eye will see in
the scene
- hidden surface removal is a product of this
- ray tracing is also effective for photorealistic rendering
Ray Tracing
- ray tracers need to compute intersection of eye ray with every object,
and save the closest object point found
- recall: ray is a direction in 3D space
- require various mathematical formulae to compute intersection of ray
with planes, spheres, ellipsoids, cylinders, other surfaces and volumes
- contrast ray tracing with pure Z buffering
- ray tracing: 1024 by 1024 screen, 100 objects --> 100 Million intersections
to compute
- Z buffering: saves nearest z value of objects that project to that
- --> no intersections, and only visible pixels used
- Ray tracing still useful for its ability to calculate lighting &
effects, which would have to be done in Z buffering application anyway
- Can speed up ray tracing by exploiting coherence properties:
- optimizing intersection calculations, by computing equation values
in advance and saving them; exploiting special properties of some geometries;
- avoiding intersection computations (object extent checks)
- exploiting spatial partitioning
Summary: hidden surface
- hardware advances mean that Z buffering is a simple and general means
for hidden surface determination
- when CPU's were slow and memory was expensive, it simply wasn't feasible!
- However, other approaches are useful / required for different applications:
- 3D functions - sorting patches is faster than Z buffer
- pen plotters: require hidden line determination
- Computer Graphics Using Open GL (2e), F.S. Hill, Prentice Hall 2000. (chapter 13; pp.406-7, 428)
- Introduction to Computer Graphics , Foley, van Dam, et al, Addison Wesley 1993, ISBN 0-201-60921-5. (chapter 13)
to COSC 3P98 index
COSC 3P98 Computer Graphics
Brock University
Dept of Computer Science
Copyright © 2023 Brian J. Ross
(Except noted figures).
Last updated: March 13, 2023