The Application Form will only be displayed once all the questions regarding the following policies are answered correctly.
You must have your student card with you to complete the application!

Revision 11/99


It is important that adequate security is in place to both protect Brock's investment in hardware, and those of you working late hours. Accordingly, access will normally only be available during office hours and scheduled laboratory times. The department recognizes that a majority of students are responsible individuals. Extended access to laboratories is granted as a privilege to allow you the opportunity to complete projects and assignments. It should also be noted that all labs and corridors are under 24/7 video surveillance.



The lab doors have proximity chip readers which can be programmed to allow access to designated Brock cards. Thus your student card can become the means of after-hours access to the labs. This card is also referred to as a swipe card or prox. card. There is a charge to replace lost or damaged student cards, however if your student card is old enough to not have a proximity chip they should provide a new card which does. All cards are issued through the Brock Card office (not the Computer Science Department).


Acquiring After-Hours Lab Access

Your (activated) student card can be used to access the labs. Card activation is available if you are registered in a computer science course, as follows:

  • Students registered in service courses may only be granted access to the room(s) where their course is normally scheduled.
  • All others may be given access to all labs (except J327, unless explicitly required for the course).
  • Computer Science major students may also request access to the outside door.
  • Computer Science major students will have their cards de-activated May 31.
  • Non-major students should apply each semester--cards will be de-activated at the end of each semester (December 30 and May 31).
  • Spring Evening activations for both major and non-major students will be valid until August 31.
  • Students who wish their access to continue past these dates should re-apply timeously.
  • In all cases, cards will be de-activated when a student ceases to be enrolled in any Computer Science course.

You should fill in the card access application form (by correctly answering all options on this page and submitting in order to receive the access form). Once the card application form is completed, submit it. Note: applications are manually reviewed and access is not instantaneous.

The department reserves the right to revoke lab access if departmental or university policies have been violated, or if a student poses a significant risk to the security and well-being of the lab and fellow students.



The intent of the card access system is to allow COSC students 24/7 access to the laboratories. If you use your card to open a laboratory, you are encouraged to allow other computer science students into the laboratory.

However, once you use your card to access a laboratory, you accept responsibility for the security of that laboratory and its contents. Should other students make use of the laboratory, you are still responsible for the laboratory and its contents. If the you leave, it is your responsibility to either clear all users from the laboratory and lock up or have another student swipe his/her card so that the electronic door card reader logs the appropriate responsible student. Students who do not have card access are required to leave the lab when asked to do so if no other valid card holder takes responsibility for the lab. If a valid card holder has difficulty clearing or controlling a lab then they may call Campus Police for assistance.

University policy requires that a night pass be obtained (from the Admin Assistant in J314) if you stay in the university buildings between the hours of midnight and 6:00am. An exception to this policy occurs if your card has been activated for swipe card access. Campus police may ask you to swipe your card between the hours of midnight - 6:00am, and if it is not validated by the card reader at the lab door you will be asked to leave the univeristy premises.

If you would like enter the building after the doors are locked, then either a valid night pass (piece of paper) is required (and must be shown to security in the Tower lobby) or you can enter via the external door in J-Block with your appropriately activated swipe card. If you're already in the building (and in one of the department's labs), an activated student card only is required. This exception only applies to students in the Computer Science labs after hours, and does not extend to all the university buildings.

Should you lose your card, you must report it as missing immediately to D. Bockus, or to Campus Police (weekends and outside of normal office hours).