Sychedelic Asylum Productions (thats me) presents to you a teaser trailer called Full YellowJacket. Up to now a lot of movies in hollywood have been entertaining with the idea of a new world where we are using robots to help us in the future and some way they turn on society and become our ultimate destruction. Well this was partially what inspired this idea, but one aspect that has been overlooked is the fact that what if everything around us is one day changed, and all organisms are reproduced into robotic forms. These cybernetic organisms could eventually replace all existing creatures as well as we believe take over humans. The problem lies in the fact that if a robot can think it can therefore understand its own existence then we can no longer keep them to do our work because it would be called "slavery". The end result would be the rise of a cybernetic society that would create their own, so this is how the story believes that the existence of cybernetic organisms has just been created and are starting to spread across the world.

This brings us back to the teaser trailer, the story is about a colony of Yellow Jacket wasps and the trials and tribulations they could possibly face in the future by cybernetic wasps. The idea sounds far fetched for some people but keep in mind this is sci-fi. There is a returning scout that has just barely made it back from a regular daily inspection of their territory and has encountered something unknown. Upon reaching back to the hive, the other wasps are alerted and sense danger is near and their fellow wasp has a warning. The scout was successful in marking the cybernetic hive with his special pheromone that all the swarm can track, so the whole colony tracks through the forest to find this new hive in the area to only find out later on that there dealing with something new, something they have never seen before, something that evolution has brought in front of them. Just like they say, its survival of the fittest, and when evolution happens it can be a scary thing if your not prepared. So the swarm is head on with a cyborg colony and is pretty much at the end of the line with a fight to the death. Why did I choose wasps you say? Well they are one of my favorite types of insects armed with a vicious sting, an insatiable appetite and fly at an average of 3 meters per second with a wing beat of 300 - 1000 flaps per second and a thick armored shell it makes them one of the stunning little creatures of nature that can sting as many times as they want and when you see a swarm on an attack it is one of the craziest things to watch.

Generally wasps by nature live in colonies, much like ants in that they make a hive anywhere may it be in a tree or in an abandoned burro and have a queen that they watch over so they can grow their colony. Everyday a few scouts go out and will check the surrounding territories for food and threats to their settlement. If a suitable place has been found that contains ample amounts of food the scout would then mark the location with its distinctive secretion from its glands and head back to their originating hive and send out a gathering party. In many cases the scout will encounter another hive and mark it so when the recruits come they will decimate that colonies existence and kill all resistance. You may ask yourself why would they bother with such a thing?, The wasps are after the colonies larva which are the babies that are still hatching in the nest which after a colony is annihilated they gather and kill all the larva and take them back to their nest to feed the young pupas of their colony.