As Applied Computing (APCO) in a discipline of Computer Science, all of the links (in the left hand menu) are applicable.
- Need information on "How to Find Us", our facilities, or just a general question? Check out the About Us section.
- If you are looking for the websites for any course for Applied Computing or Computer Science, or you need to print off a form such as a cover page, go to the Undergraduate Students section.
- Curious about the research being done in Computer Science, want to peruse some past technical reports, or looking for ideas for a research project? Check out the Research section.
- Want to know more about the Faculty and Staff in the Computer Science and Applied Computing department? Go to the Faculty/Staff section.
- Upcoming events and Seminar series can both be found in the Events section.
- Finally, if you are wondering about possible employment in the department (as a Teaching Assistant, marker, lab instructor, etc.), check out the Employment section.
If none of those sections seems to be of help, there is always the Search bar at the top of the page, or you can come down to Mackenzie Chown J-Block (We're all the way at the end!), and either speak to the Student Support Coordinator in room MC J332, or get information from the main office (MC J314).