3. Teachings
Vlad likes teaching. Vlad loves it, when the subject coincides with his research interests.
Current assignment:
COSC 3F00: Software Engineering
COSC 3P93: Parallel Computing
COSC 4V94: Discrete Event Simulation
plus various computing projects (
COSC 3P99 and
COSC 4F90)
Vlad does not pamper his students; he gives them hard projects. If they can complete his project, they can complete any project. Past project topics include: timetable scheduling system for Brock University with human comfort maximization (oh yes, a NP-complete problem), similar scheduling program for the high school system in Ontario, multi-CPU chess tournament as a competition of multiprocessing programs, stock option analysis program, etc. The positive feedback he is getting is mostly from graduates or students looking for jobs; the reaction of younger students is different.
Every time a new project is announced Vlad observes the signs of incredulity on students' faces. Typical reaction is: 'It cannot be done!', 'The professionals earning real $$$ do not have such a program yet; how can You expect US do it?! How unfair!'
But they can do it; they just do not know it yet. As the course winds down, their software materializes. Vlad gets his kicks from seeing pride in their faces - they understand that they are now capable of attacking any problem.
Courses taught since 1984:
Course (COSC) Name Year Format 3F00 Software Engineering 05/06 Lecture + Assignments + Team Project 2P91 Procedural Programming 05/06 Lecture + Lab + Assignments 4F90 Honours Computing Project 05/06 Project Coordination 4V94 Discrete Event Simulation 05/06 Lecture + Lab 4F90 Honours Computing Project 04/05 Project Coordination 3P93 Parallel Computing 04/05 Lecture + Lab + Assignments 3F00 Software Engineering 04/05 Lecture + Assignments + Team Project 2P32 File and Database Systems 04/05 Lecture + Lab 4V94 Discrete Event Simulation 03/04 Lecture + Lab 3P93 Parallel Computing 03/04 Lecture + Lab + Assignments 1P93 Intro. to Programming in C 03/04 Lecture + Lab + Tutorial 2P91 Procedural Programming 03/04 Lecture + Lab + Assignments 1P93 Intro. to Computing 02/03 Lecture + Lab + Assignments 3P93 Parallel Computing 02/03 Lecture + Lab + Assignments 2P13 Intro. to Operating Systems 02/03 Lecture + Assignments 2P91 Procedural Programming 02/03 Lecture + Lab + Assignments 1P93 Intro. to Computing 01/02 Lecture + Assignments 3P32 File and Database Systems 01/02 Lecture + Assignments 2P13 Intro. to Operating Systems 01/02 Lecture + Assignments 2P91 Procedural Programming 01/02 Lecture + Assignments 1P93 Intro. to Computing 00/01 Lecture + Assignments 3P93 Intro. to Parallel Computing 00/01 Lecture + Assignments 2P13 Intro. to Operating Systems 00/01 Lecture + Assignments 2P91 Procedural Programming 00/01 Lecture + Assignments 2P93 Functional and Logic Programming 99/00 Lecture + Lab + Project 1P93 Intro. to Computing for Physical Sciences 99/00 Lecture + Assignments 2P93 Functional and Logic Programming 98/99 Lecture + Lab + Project 4F90 Honours Computing Project 98/99 Project Coordination 1P93 Intro. to Computing for Physical Sciences 98/99 Lecture + Assignments 3P93 Intro. to Parallel Processing 98/99 Lecture + Lab 2P13 Intro. to Operating Systems 98/99 Lecture + Essay 4F90 Honours Computing Project 97/98 Project Coordination 2P32 File and Database Systems 97/98 Lecture + Assignments 1P93 Intro. to Computing for Physical Sciences 97/98 Lecture + Assignments 4F90 Honours Computing Project 96/97 Project Coordination 2P13 Intro. to Operating Systems 96/97 Lecture + Essay 3F00 Project Organization & Management 96/97 Lecture + Team Project 3P93 Intro. to Parallel Processing 96/97 Lecture + Lab 2P32 File and Database Systems 96/97 Lecture + Assignments + Project 3F00 Project Organization & Management 95/96 Lecture + Team Project 3P91 Legal Issues in Computing 95/96 Lecture 2Y05 Programming Languages: C 95/96 Lecture + Assignments 2Y07 Programming Languages: ADA 95/96 Lecture + Assignments 4F90 Honours Computing Project 95/96 Project Coordination 2P02 Intro. to Digital Logic 93/94 Lecture + Lab 3P91 Legal Issues in Computing 93/94 Lecture 3P93 Parallel Computing 93/94 Lecture + Lab 4P77 Discrete Event Simulation 93/94 Lecture + Lab 4F90 Honours Computing Project 94/95 Project Coordination 2F00 Computer Systems 93/94 Lecture + Lab 3P02 Intro. to Operating Systems 93/94 Lecture 3P93 Parallel Computing 93/94 Lecture + Lab 2Y05 Programming Languages: C 93/94 Lecture + Assignments 2Y07 Programming Languages: ADA 93/94 Lecture + Assignments 4F90 Honours Computing Project 93/94 Project Coordination 2F00 Computer Systems 92/93 Lecture + Lab 3P93 Parallel Computing 92/93 Lecture + Lab 4P77 Discrete Event Simulation 92/93 Lecture + Lab 2Y05 Programming Languages: C 92/93 Lecture + Assignments 2Y07 Programming Languages: ADA 92/93 Lecture + Assignments 2Y05 Programming Languages: C 90/91 Lecture + Assignments 2Y07 Programming Languages: ADA 90/91 Lecture + Assignments 3P02 Intro. to Operating Systems 90/91 Lecture 3P78 Interactive Computer Graphics 90/91 Lecture + Seminar + Project 4P14 Computer Networks 89/90 Lecture 1P04 Programming Methodology & Data Structures 89/90 Lecture + Assignments 4P77 Discrete Event Simulation 89/90 Lecture + Project 3P02 Intro. to Operating Systems 89/90 Lecture 3F00 Project Organization & Management 88/89 Lecture + Team Project 4P17 Systems' Programming Languages 88/89 Lecture + Project 1P04 Programming Methodology & Data Structures 88/89 Lecture + Assignments 4P77 Discrete Simulation Methodology 87/88 Lecture + Project 300 Project Organization & Management 87/88 Lecture + Team Project 1P04 Programming Methodology & Data Structures 87/88 Lecture + Assignments 300 Project Organization & Management 86/87 Lecture + Team Project 413A Operating Systems: Theory & Practice 86/87 Lecture + Project 302B Operating Systems: Introduction 86/87 Lecture 300 Project Organization & Management 85/86 Lecture + Team Project 477A Discrete Event Simulation 85/86 Lecture + Project 413B Operating Systems: Advanced 85/86 Lecture + Project 302B Operating Systems: Introduction 85/86 Lecture 101A Computer Programming 84/85 Lecture + Tutorials 390 Project Management 83/84 Lecture + Team Project 101A Computer Programming 83/84 Lecture + Tutorials 390 Project Management 83/84 Team Project 398 Software Development 83/84 Project 474 Discrete Event Simulation 83/84 Lecture + Project
B.Sc. (Honours) supervisions:
Student Course
(COSC)Started Completed Status Takahashi, M. 3P99 Apr'05 Jan'06 Full Time Frith, K. 3P99 Jan'04 May'04 Full Time Wagner, K. 3P99 Sep'02 Apr'03 Full Time Downing, S. 4F90 Jun'02 Apr'03 Full Time Sanyal, B. 4F90 Jan'02 Dec'02 Incomplete Van Dyk, S. 4F90 Mar'01 Dec'01 Part Time Murray, T. 4F90 May'97 Sep'98 Full Time Grebenc, P. 4F90 Jan'98 Oct'98 Full Time Grossi, G. 4F90 Aug'97 Oct'98 Full Time Moss, J.R. 3P99 Feb'97 Jun'97 Full Time Greeniaus, A. 3P99 Oct'96 Feb'97 Full Time Churchill, R. 4F90 Jun'96 Feb'98 Full Time Nicholas, T. 4F90 Nov'95 Withdrawn (Health) Hall, Thomas S. 4F90 Apr'95 Nov'95 Full Time Shaikh, A.J. 4F90 Apr'95 Nov'95 Full Time Tucakov, V. 4F90 Sep'94 Mar'95 Full Time McCambley, S. 4F90 Jul'94 Inactive Boldt, T. 4P07 Apr'91 April'92 Full Time Kollee, B. 4P07 Sep'90 April'91 Full Time Bell, H. 4P07 Sep'90 May'91 Full Time Capostagno, J.M. 4P07 Sep'88 May'89 Full Time Burr, K. 407 Sep'87 Apr'88 Full Time Motamedi, M. 407 Jan'88 Jul'88 Full Time Brent, S. 407 Sep'86 Mar'87 Full Time Obrocki, P. 407 Sep'85 May'86 Full Time Maguire, P. 407 Sep'86 May'87 Full Time Reed, C. 407 Sep'85 Withdrawn Dywan, E. 407 Apr'86 Withdrawn LaFontaine, T. 407 Apr'86 Sep'86 Full Time Varsava, M. 399 Jan'85 May'85 Full Time Lanthier, A. 399 Jan'83 Inactive Helstrom, B. 499 Sep'82 Feb'83 Full Time Magnotta, E.R. 342 Jan'82 May'82 Full Time Sentineal, J.E. 342 Jan'82 Apr'82 Full Time Helstrom, B. 499 Apr'82 Aug'82 Part Time