Visual Basic .NET is a multi-paradigm, object-oriented programming language, implemented on the .NET Framework.

Project_01InstructionTry it

This application is to prove (2^n)-1 's Hailstone Sequence length always 1 less than n's twin.
Hailstone Sequence: If the current number is even, divide it by two; else if it is odd, multiply it by three and add one.

Project_02InstructionTry it

RSA is a public-key cryptosystem that is widely used for secure data transmission. You can use this application to encode secret message and decode it. Using public key and private key that genrate randomly by GetPrime button.

Project_03InstructionTry it

Dynamic system application that allows a user to first input a particular cubic equation and then explore its dynamics on the interval [0,1]. And also be able to enter an initial value for the dynamical system determined by f and at the click of another button see a table of values appear and the dynamics (cobweb) drawn in the picture box.

Project_03 was constructed by Dazhi Gao/Xingzhi Chang(Coding and algorithm), Kaitlyn Rodricks(UI design)

Project_04InstructionTry it

The purpose of this project was to explore 2 by 2 matrices and 3 by 3 matrices and see what kinds of matrices would work with Hill Cyphers. The project also explores how matrices are used in both the encryption and decryption of Hill Cyphers.

Project_04 was constructed by Dazhi Gao/Xingzhi Chang(Coding and algorithm), Kaitlyn Rodricks(UI design)