ConceptToolsView It!TextureActorsA/V

The three main actors are loosely modeled after the three girls in Las Ketchup (the singers). We used the bodies and hair that are in Poser to create them.

The main difficulties we encountered when trying to make these girls dance like in the music video was synching them up with the music. Creating dance poses was not difficult, but because the music beats did not always match up with frames, animating the dance, especially parts that were repeated, was not easy.

Though it was painstaking at times, we took care to ensure that body parts never intersected or bent unnaturally. Often Poser's interpolation caused arms to rotate in the wrong direction or legs to bend backwards. We found it easier to translate the models in poser in order to move them or a part of them rather than trying to do it interactively with the mouse as it gave us more control.

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