Lecture Times: | T-R 14:30 - 16:00 STH204 |
The TA (Teaching Assistant or Seminar leader) is the course representative which works in the seminars closely with the students. They are responsible for being on top of the material so correct information can be disseminated. It is their job to actively participate in the learning process by seeking out areas where students are having difficulty and then taking appropriate action. A TA is often asked to do the assignment or partial assignment for the student, this defeats the learning process. A TA is a coach not a player. Without a knowledgeable TA, students will not get meaningful answers to their questions, and labs or seminars become a waste of time. The Instructor is in charge of all aspects of the course. The job of the instructor is to ensure material is properly and clearly disseminated to the students so the students gain a better understanding, and come away from the course enriched with knowledge. Irresponsibility of the instructor results in disorganization, confusion and students gaining little use from lectures and assignments, thus resulting in little to no learning. The Student must take the attitude that they are in the course to gain knowledge and not a credit (although a credit is a nice side effect). With this attitude: lecture attendance, lab attendance and general responsibility toward learning and understanding the course material will realize this goal. A student who skips lectures, labs, falls behind in readings and assigned work will often receive a poor grade.
Note: All material posted on this web site will be edited using the tools of Micro Soft Office 2003.
Readings - These readings are organized on a weekly schedule. Students are expected to keep up with the reading in order to gain a better understanding and appreciation of the lecture material. Falling behind in the readings will only hinder the understanding of current topics. Some seminars will focus on the assigned readings. Assignments and tests may include references to this material. In order to stay on top of things it is suggested that students put forth a little weekly effort now to avoid a great deal of suffering toward the end of term.
![]() Weekly Readings |
Guide to GOMS Model
Usability - Print it, read it, understand it;
Cooper Ch1-2 |
John Cato Ch1-2
Reserve in Library) Cooper
Ch 3-4 |
Human - Computer Interaction Chapter 6 - "Models of the User in Design" Part 1 - Part 2 & Cooper Ch 5-7 |
Human - Computer Interaction Chapter 12 - "Task Analysis" (3hr. Reserve in Library); Cooper Ch 8-10 |
John Cato Ch3-4 (3hr. Reserve in Library); Cooper Ch 11 |
The Humane Interface Ch 1 - 4 - 3hr. Reserve in Library ; Cooper Ch 12 |
Ben Shneiderman - Designing the User Interface Ch6 (3hr. Reserve in Library); Cooper Ch 13-14 |
Ben Shneiderman - Designing the User Interface Ch7 (3hr. Reserve in Library); Cooper Ch 15-17 |
John Cato Ch5 Visual Design (3hr. Reserve in Library); Cooper Ch 18-19 |
Ben Shneiderman - Designing the User Interface Ch8 (3hr. Reserve in Library); Cooper Ch 20-23 |
John Cato Ch6 "Use"; Cooper Ch 24-26 |
12 |
Design of Everyday Things - Chapter 6 The
Design Challenge Norman |
3P94 Interface Hall of Shame |
Ash Tray |
Error, WTF? |
Carpet |
Brock Portal |
PullDownMenu |
Other Halls of shame websites
Humour - Some User Interface and Some not so UI Related Humour | ||
Office Assistant | Alternate Word Tool Menu | Windows Hidden Settings |
Intel Logo | Island | Macho |
Nuclear Warning | Ctrl Alt Del | CPU Cooling |
Windows 95 | MyPassword | Cement |
Smoking | Humour | Apple vs IBM |
Installing Software | Paper Clip |
User Interface |
Computer Science and
Dating |
Employee Google Vid |
Sysadmin song Google Vid |
Electronic Abacus |
Windows Install |
Stupid Laptop |
Follow this link to the 3P94 Reserves in the Brock Library
Seminars will start the 3 rd week of term and go for 8 weeks.